
louis vuitoon Contemporary artists

Contemporary artists, just like all artists before them, will have invested an enormous amount of emotional energy, physical effort and creativity into their work and they all want to have their art appreciated and enjoyed by as many people as possible. One way to make this possible is by the production of Limited Edition prints of their work.

Limited Edition Art Prints have very much become part of our modern society because they make good contemporary art accessible and affordable to a much wider audience than had previously been possible. During the last 50 years producing Limited Edition Prints has become a standard part of an artist's career for this very reason. Even the best and most celebrated artists of our time have created Limited Editions of their work and these should not be regarded as inferior substitutes for an original piece of art but a way to enjoy a piece of exceptional art in your own home.

Current trends in art buying are becoming more and more associated with the decorative merit of a piece rather than collecting art for its own appeal. Many buyers will spend substantial sums on an original painting simply because it matches their decor or, conversely, spend very little on a piece with no artistic merit because it matches their sofa or cushions. It is a shame that very few people first buy art that they love and then use the artwork as the inspiration for their decor.

But where these two apparently conflicting approaches actually come together is in the purchase of Limited Edition Art ?the buyer or collector can obtain a piece that has artistic merit and a certain amount of exclusivity but is still affordable and, therefore, can be replaced when the decor is changed without too much angst. The artist, obviously, also benefits from the sale of reproductions as they can start to establish or increase their reputation as more of their works become known to the art�buying public.

Advances in technology mean that giclee prints are now far superior to the traditional lithographs used for Limited Edition Art in the past. Up to date printing processes result in an image that has richness and depth of colour as well as superb resolution which can reveal brush strokes and the texture of the original canvas. For substantially less than the cost of a good quality piece of original contemporary art, you can have an exclusive, high-quality artwork.

An added advantage is that art publishers only produce Limited Editions of works that they regard particularly highly and that they believe have investment potential. The publishers know what sells well and, therefore, can potentially increase in value. So there is no risk of buying a high-priced original that may not retain its value when buying a Limited Edition. Bear in mind that just because an artwork is original it is not necessarily of high quality and does not necessarily have much originality, whereas a Limited Edition will only be produced from the highest quality original artwork.

Limited Edition reproductions are far superior to mass-produced modern art prints both in the printing process, the quality of the inks and the quality of the canvas or paper substrate. And when produced to Fine Art Trade Guild standards the inks and substrate are assured of being of the very highest quality.

