
鏃跺厜涔嬭疆 The Great Hunt_023

aine came to the Two Rivers. "Even if it means she does become an Aes Sedai!" The corner of his eye caught Lan's raised eyebrow, and he flushed.
"And that is all the reason? You want to spend as much time as you can with your friends from home before they go? That's why you're dragging your feet? You know what's sniffing at your heels,jordans for sale."
Rand surged angrily to his feet. "All right, it's Moiraine! I wouldn't even be here if not for her, and she won't as much as talk to me."
"You'd be dead if not for her, sheepherder," Lan said flatly, but Rand rushed on.
"She tells me . . . tells me horrible things about myself"-his knuckles whitened on the sword. That I'm going to go mad and die! - "and then suddenly she won't even say two words to me. She acts as if I'm no different than the day she found me, and that smells wrong, too,http://www.rolexsubmarinerreplicausa.com/."
"You want her to treat you like what you are?"
"No,rolex submariner replica! I don't mean that. Burn me, I don't know what I mean half the time. I don't want that, and I'm scared of the other. Now she's gone off somewhere, vanished . . ."
"I told you she needs to be alone sometimes. It isn't for you, or anyone else, to question her actions."
". . . without telling anybody where she was going, or when she'd be back, or even if she would be back. She has to be able to tell me something to help me, Lan. Something. She has to. If she ever comes back."
"She's back, sheepherder. Last night. But I think she has told you all she can. Be satisfied. You've learned what you can from her." With a shake of his head, Lan's voice became brisk. "You certainly aren't learning anything standing there. Time for a little balance work. Go through Parting the Silk, beginning from Heron Wading in the Rushes. Remember that that Heron form is only for practicing balance. Anywhere but doing forms,chanel, it leaves you wide open; you can strike home from it, if you wait for the other man to move first, but you'll never avoid his blade."
"She has to be able to tell me something, Lan. That wind. It wasn't natural, and I don't care how close to th

