
lv wallets Videos Imax Version Released In 2010 Only 11_4911

As the global film industry's "trendy girl", the last two years the charm of giant-screen IMAX films index increasing. It is reported that worldwide IMAX box office in 2010 amounted to $ 546,000,000, an increase of more than double the North American box office movies 2010 top ten, nine with IMAX version. IMAX has less of the limelight at the edge of China, although the 2011 has just begun, "a war record" will be at home off a new round of cinema boom, Wanda Cinema specialized in Beijing CBD hit 20 million yuan to build a new store IMAX Film Office. However, compared with European and American markets, IMAX movie-viewing experience of high-end positioning, the relative complexity of the technical parameters, many Chinese audience to accept it rather dell latitude cpi laptop battery, and even there are many barriers and misunderstandings, this "girl" the situation in China , is still in "early girl next door has grown into" stage.


11 IMAX only achievement, "Avatar"

2010, "Avatar" in China on 16 IMAX screens generated at the box office up to 2 billion yuan, so far, the Beijing area has reached five the number of IMAX screens, is expected to mainland China by the end of 2012 the number of IMAX screens or will exceed 41. Thanks to the "Avatar", thanks to the Chinese audience stood in the last round of IMAX "popularization course," at least a considerable number of people familiar with the term.

However, in 2010 the performance of IMAX in China can be said that "Avatar," "a person's success." According to report statistics, the total release of 2010, mainland China version of the 11 IMAX films to truly create a crowd-pleasing, difficult to get a ticket, only "Avatar."

According to report, "Avatar" in UME Huaxing International Studios and the Film Museum were acquired 23.07 million at the box office and more than ten million, but the movie theater museum director LU Xiao Zhong told reporters, "Shrek 4" and " Pirates of the dream of space "at the box office only two or three million," the gap is too large to "Avatar" as a measure of their daily performance standards, many of the audience and IMAX film is still very narrow. "

In UME Huaxing International Studios, "Pirates of the dream space" of the IMAX version of the box office of about five million,Ray Ban Wayfarer Sunglasses, the rest mostly in the IMAX film about three million, "Train Your Dragon," only a few hundred thousand. Although the market from the compaq 319411-001 laptop battery, the movie box office on a single screen output will reach three million, is already a very good result, but considering the IMAX film fare expensive than the average number of times the movie, and IMAX version of the show several times the cost of the film is also common, so the actual gold content of this achievement will be greatly reduced.


Videos play a decisive role in nature

Why is most of the IMAX version of the movie in domestic release is not so "popular"? The industry generally believe that "price" is the key. IMAX film fare generally in the hundred or more, and most of the IMAX film room far from the city center, so for the audience, the IMAX version is selected, the cost in time and money are concerns.

Prior to last December, Beijing put into commercial operation only three IMAX screen, which stores and movie museum Shijingshan Wanda relatively distant location. But "Avatar" period, the audience does not care of traffic problems, braved the cold long lines at the door tickets to other IMAX film for exhibition, it evidently did not grab a ticket regardless of cost posture. Even if "Pirates of the dream space" IMAX version of word of mouth is also very good, but many visitors plan and time costs of transportation, or give up.

Wanda International Cinema Xing Yan, general manager of the market is very bullish on the IMAX, the fares are relatively high, she said that the cost of the Office of the IMAX film, screening costs,fake oakley sunglasses, maintenance costs more than ten times higher than the average theater, the IMAX film fares in the short term certainly do not fall down, "this is a high-end look at IMAX Experience." Xing Yan, but that now the audience are more rational, will choose based on the quality of video viewing mode,jordans for sale, so the key is the video quality, "" Avatar "This strong piece on the current screen is not enough for five . "

China Star Studios manager Hui Liu told reporters that last year the proportion of IMAX large animated film, this Carnival-style video is very popular in foreign Dell INSPIRON E1505 Laptop Battery, but not too cold domestic audience, "If it is real IMAX, there may be a good market. "


