
'You are entirely mistaken

'You are entirely mistaken, Laura. Dr. and Mrs. Winship are just as lovely and cordial to you as they are to everybody else, and the boys do not feel well enough acquainted with you to "frolic" with you as they do with us.'
'It isn't so, but you are not sensitive enough to see it; and I should never have been poisoned if it hadn't been for you!'
'Oh, go on, do!' said Polly, beginning to lose her self-control, which was never very great. 'I didn't know I was a Lucrezia Borgia in disguise. How did I poison you, pray?'
'I didn't say you poisoned me; but you made me so uncomfortable that day, bringing down Mrs. Winship's lecture on my head and getting my best friend abused, that I was glad to get away from the camp, and went out with Jack for that reason when I was too tired and warm; and you are always trying to cut me out with Bell and the boys,Discount UGG Boots.'
'That's a perfectly--jet black--fib,fake uggs online store!' cried Polly, who was now thoroughly angry; 'and I don't think it is very polite of you to attack the whole party, and say they haven't been nice to you, when they've done everything in the world!'
'It isn't your party any more than mine, is it? And if I don't know how to be polite, I certainly shan't ask YOU for instruction; for I must know as much about the manners of good society as you do, inasmuch as I have certainly seen more of it!'
Polly sank into a camp-chair, too stunned for a moment to reply, while Laura, who had gone quite beyond the point where she knew or cared what she said, went on with a rush of words: 'I mean to tell you, now that I am started, that anybody who isn't blind can see why you toady to the Winships, who have money and social position, and why you are so anxious to keep everybody else from getting into their good graces; but they are so partial to you that they have given you an entirely false idea of yourself; and you might as well know that unless you keep yourself a little more in the background, and grow a little less bold and affected and independent, other people will not be quite as ready as the Winships to make a pet of a girl whose mother keeps a boarding-house.'
Poor Laura! It was no sooner said than she regretted it--a little, not much. But poor Polly! Where was her good angel then? Why could she not have treated this thrust with the silence and contempt it deserved? But how could Laura have detected and probed the most sensitive spot in the girl's nature? She lost all command of herself. Her rage absolutely frightened her, for it made her deaf and blind to all considerations of propriety and self-respect, and for a moment she was only conscious of the wild desire to strike-- yes, even to kill--the person who had so insulted all that was dearest to her.
'Don't dare to say another word,cheap designer handbags!' she panted, with such flaming cheeks and such flashing eyes that Laura involuntarily retreated towards the door, half afraid of the tempest her words had evoked,mont blanc pens. 'Don't dare to say another word, or I don't know what I may do! Yes, I am glad you are going, and everybody will be glad, and the sooner you go the better! You've made everybody miserable ever since you came, with your jealousy and your gossip and your fine-lady airs; and if Aunt Truth hadn't loved your mother, and if we were mean enough to tell tales, we would have repeated some of your disagreeable speeches long ago. How can you dare to say I love the Winships for anything but themselves? And if you had ever seen my darling mother, you never could have called her a boarding-house keeper, you cruel--'

