
  'My poor boy

  'My poor boy, how you have suffered all this year,ugg bailey button triplet 1873 boots, when we thoughtyou free as air! Why didn't you tell us, Dan, and let us help you?

  Did you doubt your friends?' asked Mrs Jo, forgetting all otheremotions in sympathy, as she lifted up the hidden face, and lookedreproachfully into the great hollow eyes that met her own franklynow.

  'I was ashamed. I tried to bear it alone rather than shock anddisappoint you, as I know I have, though you try not to show it.

  Don't mind; I must get used to it'; and Dan's eyes dropped again asif they could not bear to see the trouble and dismay his confessionpainted on his best friend's face.

  'I am shocked and disappointed by the sin, but I am also very gladand proud and grateful that my sinner has repented, atoned, and isready to profit by the bitter lesson. No one but Fritz and Laurieneed ever know the truth; we owe it to them, and they will feel as Ido,' answered Mrs Jo, wisely thinking that entire frankness would bea better tonic than too much sympathy.

  'No, they won't; men never forgive like women. But it's right.

  Please tell 'em for me, and get it over. Mr Laurence knows it, Iguess. I blabbed when my wits were gone; but he was very kind all thesame,moncler jackets men. I can bear their knowing; but oh, not Ted and the girls!' Danclutched her arm with such an imploring face that she hastened toassure him no one should know except the two old friends, and hecalmed down as if ashamed of his sudden panic.

  'It wasn't murder, mind you, it was in self-defence; he drew first,and I had to hit him. Didn't mean to kill him; but it doesn't worryme as much as it ought, I'm afraid,Replica Designer Handbags. I've more than paid for it, andsuch a rascal is better out of the world than in it, showing boys theway to hell. Yes, I know you think that's awful in me; but I can'thelp it. I hate a scamp as I do a skulking coyote, and always want toget a shot at 'em. Perhaps it would have been better if he had killedme; my life is spoilt.'

  All the old prison gloom seemed to settle like a black cloud on Dan'sface as he spoke, and Mrs Jo was frightened at the glimpse it gaveher of the fire through which he had passed to come out alive, butscarred for life. Hoping to turn his mind to happier things, she saidcheerfully:

  'No, it isn't; you have learned to value it more and use it betterfor this trial. It is not a lost year, but one that may prove themost helpful of any you ever know. Try to think so, and begin again;we will help, and have all the more confidence in you for thisfailure. We all do the same and struggle on.'

  'I never can be what I was. I feel about sixty, and don't care foranything now I've got here. Let me stay till I'm on my legs, thenI'll clear out and never trouble you any more,' said Dandespondently.

  'You are weak and low in your mind; that will pass, and by and by youwill go to your missionary work among the Indians with all the oldenergy and the new patience,Discount UGG Boots, self-control, and knowledge you havegained. Tell me more about that good chaplain and Mary Mason and thelady whose chance word helped you so much. I want to know all aboutthe trials of my poor boy.'

