
  _Morituri te salutant

  "_Morituri te salutant!_" he said. "Good-bye, Freddie, my boy."He turned away, gallant and upright, the old soldier.
  "Where are you going?" asked Freddie.
  "Over the top!" said Uncle Chris.
  "What do you mean?""I am going," said Uncle Chris steadily, "to find Mrs Peagrim!""Good God!" cried Freddie. He followed him, protesting weakly, butthe other gave no sign that he had heard. Freddie saw him disappearinto the stage-box, and, turning, found Jill at his elbow,louis vuitton for womens.
  "Where did Uncle Chris go?" asked Jill. "I want to speak to him.""He's in the stage-box,mont blanc pens, with Mrs Peagrim.""With Mrs Peagrim?""Proposing to her," said Freddie solemnly.
  Jill stared.
  "Proposing to Mrs Peagrim? What do you mean?"Freddie drew her aside, and began to explain.
  In the dimness of the stage-box, his eyes a little glassy and a dulldespair in his soul, Uncle Chris was wondering how to begin. In hishot youth he had been rather a devil of a fellow in between dances, acoo-er of soft phrases and a stealer of never very stoutly withheldkisses. He remembered one time in Bangalore . . . but that hadnothing to do with the case. The point was, how to begin with MrsPeagrim. The fact that twenty-five years ago he had crushed in hisarms beneath the shadows of the deodars a girl whose name he hadforgotten, though he remembered that she had worn a dress of somepink stuff, was immaterial and irrelevant. Was he to crush MrsPeagrim in his arms? Not, thought Uncle Chris to himself, on a bet.
  He contented himself for the moment with bending an intense gaze uponher and asking if she was tired.
  "A little," panted Mrs Peagrim, who, though she danced often andvigorously, was never in the best of condition, owing to her habit ofneutralizing the beneficient effects of exercise by surreptitiouscandy-eating. "I'm a little out of breath."Uncle Chris had observed this for himself, and it had not helped himto face his task,fake uggs for sale. Lovely woman loses something of her queenly dignitywhen she puffs. Inwardly,http://www.louisvuitton360.com/, he was thinking how exactly his hostessresembled the third from the left of a troupe of performing sea-lionswhich he had seen some years ago on one of his rare visits to avaudeville house.
  "You ought not to tire yourself," he said with a difficulttenderness.
  "I am so fond of dancing," pleaded Mrs Peagrim. Recovering some ofher breath, she gazed at her companion with a sort of short-windedarchness. "You are always so sympathetic, Major Selby.""Am I?" said Uncle Chris. "Am I?""You know you are!"Uncle Chris swallowed quickly.
  "I wonder if you have ever wondered," he began, and stopped. He feltthat he was not putting it as well as he might. "I wonder if it hasever struck you that there's a reason." He stopped again. He seemedto remember reading something like that in an advertisement in amagazine, and he did not want to talk like an advertisement. "Iwonder if it has ever struck you, Mrs. Peagrim," he began again,"that any sympathy on my part might be due to some deeper emotionwhich . . . Have you never suspected that you have never suspected . . ."Uncle Chris began to feel that he must brace himself up. Usually a manof fluent speech, he was not at his best tonight. He was just about totry again, when he caught his hostess' eye, and the soft gleam in itsent him cowering back into the silence as if he wore taking coverfrom an enemy's shrapnel.

