
  Are you sure that your vitality has not become generally lowered bythe fierce rush of metropolit

  Are you sure that your vitality has not become generally lowered bythe fierce rush of metropolitan life? Are you aware of the thingsthat can happen to you if you allow the red corpuscles of your bloodto become devitalised? I had a friend . . .""Stop! You're scaring me to death!"Uncle Chris gave his mustache a satisfied twirl. "Just what I meantto do, my dear. And, when I had scared you sufficiently--you wouldn'twait for the story of my consumptive friend! Pity! It's one of mybest!--I should have mentioned that I had been having much the sametrouble myself until lately, but the other day I happened to tryNervino, the great specific . . ,ugg bailey button triplet 1873 boots. I was giving you an illustration ofmyself in action, my dear. I went to these Nervino people--happenedto see one of their posters and got the idea in a flash--I went tothem and said, 'Here am I, a presentable man of persuasive mannersand a large acquaintance among the leaders of New York Society. Whatwould it be worth to you to have me hint from time to time at dinnerparties and so forth that Nervino is the rich man's panacea?' I putthe thing lucidly to them. I said, 'No doubt you have a thousandagents in the city, but have you one who does not look like an agentand won't talk like an agent? Have you one who is inside the housesof the wealthy, at their very dinner-tables, instead of being on thefront step, trying to hold the door open with his foot? That is thepoint you have to consider.' They saw the idea at once. We arrangedterms--not as generous as I could wish, perhaps, but quite ample. Ireceive a tolerably satisfactory salary each week, and in return Ispread the good word about Nervino in the gilded palaces of the rich.
  Those are the people to go for, Jill. They have been so busywrenching money away from the widow and the orphan that they haven'thad time to look after their health. You catch one of them afterdinner, just as he is wondering if he was really wise in taking twohelpings of the lobster Newburg, and he is clay in your hands. I drawmy chair up to his and become sympathetic and say that I hadprecisely the same trouble myself until recently and mention a dearold friend of mine who died of indigestion, and gradually lead theconversation round to Nervino. I don't force it on them. I don't evenask them to try it. I merely point to myself, rosy with health, andsay that I owe everything to it, and the thing is done. They thank meprofusely and scribble the name down on their shirt-cuffs. And thereyour are! I don't suppose," said Uncle Chris philosophically, "thatthe stuff can do them any actual harm."They had come to the corner of Forty-first Street. Uncle Chris feltin his pocket and produced a key,fake uggs boots.
  "If you want to go and take a look at my little nest, you can letyourself in. It's on the twenty-second floor. Don't fail to go out onthe roof and look at the view. It's worth seeing,Designer Handbags. It will give yousome idea of the size of the city. A wonderful, amazing city, mydear, full of people who need Nervino. I shall go on and drop in atthe club for half an hour. They have given me a fortnight's card atthe Avenue. Capital place. Here's the key."Jill turned down Forty-first Street, and came to a mammoth structureof steel and stone which dwarfed the modest brown houses beside itinto nothingness. It was curious to think of a private apartmentnestling on the summit of this mountain. She went in, and theelevator shot her giddily upwards to the twenty-second floor. Shefound herself facing a short flight of stone steps,Fake Designer Handbags, ending in a door.

